Friday 11 April 2014

Studio Brief 4: Rewritten brief

BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Studio Brief
OUGD405 Design Process
20 Credits
Module BriefOUGD406
Module TutorsAmber Smith, Simon Harrison
Outcomes AssessedNA

Speaking From Experience
In the first year, students find the amount of work a shock. Many find it hard to manage their time effectively so that their workload is organised and given the right amount of attention.
How can you help students organise their time and fuel their motivation?
Background / Considerations
Take into account the struggles and experiences you have had in your first year at Leeds College of Art. Have you found it difficult to balance your time and make your work the best standard it could be? What advice were you given at the start of the year about time management?
What format will be most suitable for communicating this?

Mandatory RequirementsDeliverables

Studio DeadlineModule Deadline
28th of April 2014
1st of May 2014
See module information and eStudio for further details

Supporting Material / Resources / Useful Links
Download print friendly Handouts here
This Brief should be read in conjunction with the Module Brief.

Please refer to module information at eStudio for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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