Tuesday 1 April 2014

Studio Brief 4: Final designs

Book band

  • I created this typeface using a graphics tablet, which is made of scribbling in small amounts. I wanted to give the designs a youthful and playful look.
  • 'GET IT DONE' is in reference to getting work done and finished and concentrating rather than procrastinating.
  • The band will go around the concertina leaflet and the timetables to hold them together and to also have the title without spoiling the timetables or leaflet.


  • This is the timetable design which I will print off about 6 times for each package - if it was picked to distribute amongst the first year students in september then more sheets would be put in.
  • I wanted to make it extremely simple, as the booklet with it does the talking for it. This timetable can be slotted into diaries or sketchbooks, with the use of a paperclip or attachment of the student's choice. This is to create a throwaway effect so that space isn't taken up and it doesn't have to be carried around as a properly made book of timetables. Each week the student can start afresh.
  • The typeface used is Orator Std, which is sans serif and very plain but not as generic as something like Helvetica which is so overused.(I experimented with fonts like Helvetica but didn't think it looked as good) I also chose it because I think it fits well with the contrast of hand rendered type which I have used on the book band and the leaflet.
  • The uppercase style of the font makes for a serious feel which I was worried about a bit, but I think with something that needs to be taken seriously like time management on a busy course then it works well. It is imperative but the sketchy style elsewhere evens it out and makes it friendly still.
  • I used imperative sentences like "work on it." and "organise." - with these I am trying to be motivational, which works when the sentences are short and snappy.
  • The weekend is in italics to show that it should be treated differently to week days; weekends need to have relaxing time. This also is why I gave the days less space.

 Concertina booklet

inside of leaflet

  •  I used handwritten titles on the first two pages to give a creative, expressive feel.
  • I didn't want to bombard students with information so I kept it simple but quite dramatic with the points. 

outside of leaflet
  • The front of the leaflet has a similar logo used on the book band (which covers the leaflet design so there is no clash) but fitted to the size of it. It is straight to the point: GET YOUR WORK DONE.
  • I put words of encouragement on the back, that are less informative because the inside of leaflets are always given more attention. I put the days of the week on there to show that each one is individual with its own tasks that have to be tackled, but you can get through it which is shown by 'MONDAY' being crossed out.

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