Wednesday 23 April 2014

Studio Brief 4: Format - concertina fold

I'm not yet sure which size I want to make the booklet, so I have made some paper prototypes to put it into perspective for myself.

The sizes are:
12.1 cm x 9 cm
11.6 cm x 7.7 cm
10.5cm x 6.8 cm

I've decided to go for 10cm x 6.6cm.
I don't want to put in a huge amount of information, just short sentences, so the smaller the better.. however I want it to seem significant, so not too small. I also want the type to be big enough to be easily readable and legible.

At first my idea was to use a concertina booklet as a timetable as seen above, but I realised I would have to make it bigger than pocket size which is what appealed to me in the first place. If it was pocket size there simply wouldn't be enough room to write substantial notes in it.
I just liked the idea of every other page having space to write lists etc, then the pages in between asking "did you reach today's goals?" to help the student make progress and realise where they are going wrong. A concertina wouldn't be user friendly and easy to use in this format, though. It will work better just having simple information to read.

I want to definitely use hand rendered font in my design, but after printing off this prototype of the booklet I've decided not to use these particular letters and definitely no hand rendered type this large as it takes up too much space. I just thought that it would have impact when the booklet was opened, but I think the composition is lazy and not thought out enough. I also think these letters aren't strong enough.
In experimenting with prototypes of the concertina fold, I have decided I want to use 3 folds instead of 4; I don't need five pages in it as they will be double sided and I don't want it to be unappealing by being too long of a leaflet when it is folded out. Short and sweet is the way.

  • Somebody suggested I use a gatefold leaflet instead which looks like this:

But I don't want to as on a small scale it doesn't work very well.
  • I was also told in feedback that concertina folds are very tricky to get neat and the pages need to be printed individually and then stuck together but I think I'll be able to pull it off by just printing it on one piece of paper and folding it myself. It only has 3 folds and I feel like I would be more likely to ruin it by sticking things together.
  • I asked somebody if I should use indesign for it or just illustrator and they said that I could do but as I don't need pagination or anything illustrator would be fine too. I think I'm going to stick to illustrator as I'm using vectors and because it is so small it is less about the layout.

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