Tuesday 29 April 2014

Studio Brief 4: Final printed designs

Final prints

 Concertina 4 page booklet






Pack with book band

Overall, I am really pleased about how they have printed out.

  • I used three different coloured stock to give the 'student' a choice, and because they look great as a set. I think if I had more time I would experiment with putting different colours together, but this can be tricky to get right. I think that having bright and bold colours is encouraging and can be motivational.
  • I found the folding of the concertina a lot less tricky than I thought. I lightly used a pencil to mark the folds and I used a bone folder to score and flatten the edges.
  • When folding the book bands, This was trickier as I was trying to get them to be a tight fit around the designs but not too tight. In doing this I had to loosen the grey one which made it a bit scuffed on the edge. I used folded sello tape to seal them on the back.
  • I found that double sided printing is a bit of a challenge, but I did a lot of test prints on printer paper before hand to help with that. I had some course mates help me with the printing.
  • When cutting everything down, I found it difficult to get right because of my inexperience in how crop marks work etc. I found that some of the timetables didn't match exactly in size so I had to keep cutting. I wish I had marked with a pencil in more places after printing to make it easier for myself.
  • When designed hand rendered type, I took too long working on it and trying to perfect the letters which is a regret of mine. I need to have more of a focus of what exactly I want to achieve next time and stick to it. I kept going back and forth with different styles and didn't even use my painted letters in the end.
  • Also, maybe I should have just printed and put together one pack for submission, as it took me awhile to make all three. 
Some feedback I got was that the sans serif typeface looks really good and suits the design. Also that my choice of colour works well - however somebody didn't like the blue as its a bit in your face. I still like it, however. Some thought that having a simple booklet of the timetables would be more appealing... but I think that that has been done so many times before, I'd like to see how these individual sheets would work out. I am going to attach about 5 paperclips to each package before submission.

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