Tuesday 22 April 2014

Studio Brief 4: Painted type

The photographs below show some hand rendered type I have been working on. For this I have used acrylic paint, experimenting with different sized brushes and different paint dilution using water.
I've found that thin, watery paint flows a lot better and makes the letters more smooth, but I like the thick blunt effect that thick paint gives: the texture is great.

  • By creating these scruffy typefaces I am hoping to capture a youthful feel that is in the theme of development and artistic creativity. I am designing it for graphic design students after all.
  • I think that using a serif or sans serif typeface throughout my designs would be dull and wouldn't be as exciting looking - I need to attract young students and so many information leaflets handed out today are boring and uninviting.

I am unfortunately (and fortunately) a perfectionist so I repeated many of the letters in the hopes of creating the perfect shape, and so that I could pick and choose later.
  • I feel like this was a waste of time because doing individual letters rather than doing whole words each time was a downfall as I found that words don't flow aesthetically as well as they could because the letters don't fit together naturally. However recreating letters was good for practice.
I was told in feedback that the bottom sheet using small jagged letters for "manage" and "time" are strong, but I disagree as I think they are too messy.

  • I scanned in the letters and gave them coloured backgrounds to help with readability/legibility (I am going to use brightly coloured stock).
Some of the phrases I may want to use these letters for:
  • Don't be/stop being lazy
  • manage your time effectively
  • How to manage your time
  • get it done
Using hand rendered, scruffy type for these titles/imperative sentences makes them seem more friendly and on the same level as the reader.

I arranged the letters as words to see if they'd work. I like the large 'GET IT DONE' as it is very clear it has been created with paint and a paintbrush which I like. I enjoy the word 'manage' as I painted that word as a whole, but overall the sentence doesn't have enough character. The same goes for 'stop being lazy', so I don't know if I will use them. This was a mistake on my part because I spent too long painting and the digitally rearranging.

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