Wednesday 26 November 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 04: Initial advertising mediums

For studio brief 4 I have to create an advertising campaign for my website.
Taking into account that my website is based on modern art movements, below are advertising mediums that would be suitable for this kind of content, while reaching the target audience.

Magazine advert
  • art and design magazines
  • independent zines
effectively targets a certain audience
reader interacts with ad physically - can be referred back to and is lasting

  • studenty bars and cafes 
  • art galleries/museums
  • libraries
  • between magazine/book pages
  • packaged with magazine/book deliveries
  • art college fresher packs
quite cheap
person interacts with ad physically and possesses it
can be specific with locations
very disposable
might lose out by flyers not being taken

  • art college
  • art galleries
  • libraries
quite cheap
locations can be specific, freedom with location
might get damaged depending on location

What is being advertised?
  • The website itself
  • Launch event
  • Art exhibition to promote website
Advertising directly for the website is probably the most effective idea, however an event makes the website more interactive. 

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