Saturday 1 November 2014

Responsive // Booooooom

Design a sticker for Booooooom is an art and design blog that showcases new talent. This competition is for a new sticker to be designed.
It can be whatever you want it just needs to have the word “Booooooom” somewhere in it. Make whatever you want, in your own style.
We will pick 3 winners and each of you will get 500 stickers of your own design sent to you! The back print on the stickers will have information about you (your name, website, etc) so when we give them to people we will essentially be handing someone your business card! We will not be selling the stickers that you create, this is stuff that we want to be able to give away to people.
  • 3" x 3"
  • the word 'Booooooom' must be included
Why I have chosen this brief:
  • My details being put out there on sticker would get me a decent amount of exposure, leading to future opportunities.
  • The blog has a large following, aswell as on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram which would add to the exposure.
  • The brief is very open, leaving me room to be creative and have fun with it.
  • It gives me the chance to build on my digital illustrative skills, as this is something I'm becoming more and more interested in.

Does the brief offer enough breadth and scope for the development of a range of responses while at the same time allowing you to focus your practice?
Yes, this competition has no guidelines of visual content, which gives me freedom. I can then focus on how my ideas portray my individuality as a designer, and try to create visually appealing design for an audience of creatives.

What are the realistic timescales for completing the brief?
I have two weeks until the deadline, and I want to spend around 2 days on it as it is a small project.

What is the problem?
The blog needs a visually engaging and individual design that represents all that is creative in the art and design world.

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