Wednesday 12 November 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 03: Final crit

Feedback I got:

  • There is a clash of colour and a lot going on, maybe too much. - I've realised this myself shortly before the crit, as I rushed the use of colour and couldn't decide on the palette. I like the colours I've chosen, but I can understand how it's quite overwhelming and needs to be toned down.
  • Too much imagery, such as the menu on the left side of the page. - I agree that the letters aren't bold enough against the snippets of artwork, but I'm very fond of keeping this menu. I think to solve this I need to tweak it, maybe by separating each option, or making the type bolder, or the images thicker.
  • I should stick to either serif/sans serif typefaces, or hand rendered type, as together they are too much. - I understand this point, as the sans serif typeface (Bebas) is all capitals and stylised, so maybe it needs to be more minimal to complement the hand rendered, arty type.
  • Don't let people submit their own work, as it is likely to be of a low quality. - This is a good point that I didn't consider, I liked the idea of interacting with the viewers and it be an ever growing community of artists.. However the quality of work would need to stay high and reflecting of actual art movements, as it is a website about art history.
  • More of a further back history of art, to give a clearer overview. - A fair point, however I forgot to mention on the site or in the crit that the movements are part of the modern art period, which is a small section of art history. I need to make this clear in my design.

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