Thursday 27 February 2014

Studio Brief 2: Selftea - idea development

Selftea idea
  • The Selftea idea would be to spread a hashtag called #selftea across Twitter and Instagram.
  • A 'selfie' is a photograph someone takes of themself, which has recently, in the past few years, become a word that is widely used because of social media, and has made the act of taking a selfie a lot less shameful.
  • We have decided to exploit this as selfies are so popular on the internet, selftea is bound to catch on atleast a little.
  • 'Selftea' is a clever mix of selfie and tea, that means someone taking a photo of themself drinking a cup of tea, or just holding a cup of tea.
  • We will encourage people to take the pictures and hashtag them #selftea so that we can monitor it, and so that other people are exposed to the trend.
  • We want to create a Twitter and Instagram for the cause; Twitter can be used to spread the word and post tea related tweets whereas the Instagram can be based around actual #selftea's because it is an image-only app that makes it very easy to post selfies. Both social networks have easy to follow hashtag databases.
  • We might, if possible, #selftea on mugs to make some funny merchandise and maybe give away in a competition.

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