Tuesday 25 February 2014

Studio Brief 2: Drink more water - further ideas

These are some water ideas I came up with individually.

Make an animation showing shocking over the top effects dehydration will have on your body:
  • Could show a body wasting away.
  • show imagery/animation that depends on individuals water intake.
  • 'we are 55-75% water'
  • if they have drank enough water, at the end say something like 'congrats! you are an ocean with a brain'
No Bullshit

  • Make a menu with different 'water' meals or 'water' recipes
  • 'tough - you just need to drink water'.
Water bottles
  • make water bottles that have a meter on it that measures how long the water should last the drinker, or how long it should be in the bottle for. Or some sort of guide.

I don't feel very confident about these ideas, but I will feed them back to the group.

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