Saturday 6 February 2016

Secret 7" // Triptych

As it is soon to be my turn to submit a poster for Triptych, I have thought about doing something new, but there is pressure from other briefs at the moment. I want to create something extra to add to the Secret 7" brief, and a poster could work quite well.

From this design I have adapted it to fit the format of a poster.

Revisiting the vector design of the sleeve, I adapted it to fit a portrait size by altering the composition. I tried out centering the solar system, which did not work well with the shape of the poster as there was too much empty space above and below. Making the middle of the illustration shift to the top corner created an interesting new composition that made enough room for type to be present. I tried it with a white background, however this made it move too far away from the original design.

I wanted to create a relationship between image and type, so I added the name of the song, which isn’t allowed in Secret 7”. I tried out a few different typefaces that suit the space theme, and went with Embossy Filled, which is very sharp and square, much like fonts that are used within space technology and similar contexts.

Feedback I received:

  • try centering the type on the left and making it smaller
  • try white backgrounds and black lines for the orbits
  • I like the left one more so
  • Just as long as the type is smaller

The final poster is good to see in the frame, as I've never had my work presented in such a way before. I'm happy with the outcome and I received some compliments on it!

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