Friday 12 February 2016

D&AD Shutterstock // Thursday meeting

Me and Tamar met today, and talked through some initial ideas. We brainstormed together about what kind of stories we could use.

I showed Tamar the animations that I've researched, and we discussed how effective they were.
We talked about what kind of visuals we want to create- abstract, people, detailed, real...
Some ideas would be hard with an abstract shape approach, ie rags to riches is difficult to show in a simple way.

Developing ideas 

Overcoming the Monster

With Tamar I talked her through some ideas I have, some lighthearted and others quite serious topics.

  • student loans, or debt that is finally paid off by the end, or abolished somehow
  • monster under the bed - a humorous take on a childish fear that is overcome when somebody grows up
  • diet, gym... battling the monster that is a healthy diet or a trip to the gym that has been put off
  • death - dealing with a death of a loved one, or recovering from grief
  • a college deadline  - dealing with a heavy workload that finally pays off
  • mental illness and how it is a controlling monster

Tamar said that some of these just seem a bit typical and a little trivial. She liked the idea of doing something with the topic of mental illness.
Depression and anxiety are definitely monsters people struggle to overcome. We talked about how this has the potential to be meaningful and capture peoples everyday emotion - something the brief points out.


Next we discussed ideas for rebirth, most being quite lighthearted and more of a day-to-day take on it.

  • brushing teeth - how cleanliness can make you feel completely refreshed and like new
  • good nights sleep
  • cup of coffee in the morning
  • quitting smoking
We agreed that none of these were very exciting or that creative.

Something Tamar thought of as a lighthearted take on this subject could be that somebody finds a 'funky' jacket - when they put it on, they are rebirthed. They become happy, or better, or just more confident.
I think that visually this could be really impressive, and the way it is relatable is that a lot of people buy clothes so that they feel better or look better, which in a sense is being birthed again.

Rags to riches
  • an adopted pet
  • gentrification - a more controversial and political take on the plot
  • losing weight and getting fit
I struggled to come up with good ideas for this plot. When me and Tamar talked about it, we thought about how a character could invent something that changes the world. They then become rich and get lifted out of the slum they lived in. We discussed how this may be a little too complex for us to create.


We planned out our time, and how long we have. We have under 5 weeks until the deadline, and to start off with we will meet once, twice a week if possible as we are quite busy with other things at the moment.

15/2 - do storyboard for Rebirth, start Overcoming the Monster
22/2 - do storyboard for Overcoming the Monster.
start third idea, do storyboard.
start visuals for Rebirth
29/2 - finish visuals for Rebirth, start visuals for Overcoming the Monster
7/3 - create visuals for third animation
14/3 - finishing touches, create description video

To do: storyboards

Next meeting: tuesday afternoon.

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