Wednesday 3 February 2016

Secret 7" // Embroidery process & development

The next stage is the embroidery, which I know will take me a while, but hopefully I will get faster as I go.

 I looked at all the colours of thread I have and found pretty good matches to what are in my design. The first thing I have done is draw out the measurement of the sleeve, and then the basketballs.


To ease me into the embroidery, I have used black thread to sow all around the edge of the sleeve, as I am planning on sowing the whole background with this thread. I am waiting to do the background after I have created the basketballs.

I first embroidered the black outlines before starting the red thread, which I'm not going to do with the other features as it seems more straightforward to do that last so that I don't have to embroider around lots of lines.

It has taken a while to do them all but I have finished the basketballs, and each one was easier than the last - and quite enjoyable.

After the basketballs being so time consuming I have decided to colour in the background with a black paint pen instead of using thread - that would take a ridiculous amount of time. I tested out a sharpie first but found the black was quite blue, so a black Posca pen worked better. I have created a couple of layers so that it is deeply black without any patches.

Next, I have created the dotted lines that form the solar system atmosphere, through thin stitching in the appropriate colours. Something I have changed since I designed it on illustrator is adding extra white dotted lines inbetween - this has given it even more depth.

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