Saturday 28 February 2015

Women in Film // Research: Changing the perspective on prostitution

Posters created by the design studio Anti to raise awareness of how sex workers are dehumanized and deserve respect.

The posters have been purposefully placed to seem like they are falling apart and out of place - similar to how prostitutes are seen in modern society.

Just because someone is in sex work, doesn't mean that they don't deserve respect or to be treated rightfully. So often women working in this way are put in danger and quite often killed or badly hurt.

No company would present their products in an advertisement this way, which is why they stand out so vividly.

No words even need to be used apart from 'prostitute' as it is so clear straight away what it is trying to convey.

The women are dressed in plain black clothing as to create a contrast against how people imagine prostitutes to look and present themselves. It makes them seem more 'ordinary'.

However, this also suggests that women are only to be respected when dressing plainly and modestly, which should not be the case. Clothing has nothing to do with self respect, and should have nothing to do with how other people respect women.

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