Sunday 22 February 2015

OUGD505 // Studio Brief 01: Feminism

After having talks with tutors about going down the feminism route, I have decided to go make it more specific and explore the representation of women in the film industry.

I'm very interested in films, and also in women's rights, so it seems like a very interesting route to take and research.

  • I have come across many movies that are sexist and use women purely for views and sex appeal.
  • Some movies are more subtle and don't include female characters that are developed enough like men are. 
  • Most movies are based around men and their lives: women are purely girlfriends, wives or mothers.
  • There is a very unequal amount of male and female protagonists.
I have rewritten the brief tailored to my research subject:


Design a deliverable that raises awareness of equality in the film industry.

Explore theory and analysis of the representation of women in the film industry. Specifically:
  • feminist film theory
  • specific films or directors
  • statistics in the industry
  • stereotypical characters and tropes seen regularly
Look at feminist and gender equality material such as:
  • campaigns
  • posters
  • publications
Create an output based on the research gathered.

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