Thursday 19 February 2015

OUGD505 // Studio Brief 01: Initial ideas

Research outlines:
  • Examine graphic design outputs relating to social, political and ethical change.
  • Aim to increase your awareness of historical examples plus contemporary practice that is responsive to 21st Century issues.
  • Be sure to note the relationship between medium and message.
  • You should then produce a body of research work that explores the connections between these concepts and their respective design outcomes.
Initial ideas:
  • racial police brutality
  • feminism
  • gentrification
  • climate change
  • poaching
What interests me most out of these ideas is feminism. I just need to find a specific path to take... so I brainstormed specific gender themes.
  • sexualisation vs liberation
  • sexism in music: how rap is blamed for the brunt of it, and how it goes unnoticed in 'white' dominated genres.
  • portrayal of women in the media eg Daily Mail, and how it is affecting society.
  • portrayal of women in the movie industry eg male dominated films, or problematic story lines/characters.
  • the importance of masculinity and the hatred of femininity: how men are affected.
  • rape culture: 'she was asking for it' and how women are taught to be ashamed.
  • lad culture and ingrained sexism in youth.
  • how sexuality is shameful in women but proud in men.

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