Monday 23 May 2016

Zine // Collage

Anthony Gerace

"The Ruined Map is a response to this loss, and is a reapproach to what I find so intriguing about collage: its ability to comment on the loss of identity and meaning through the act of physical destruction, an act that leaves instead an ache for something no longer comprehensible. By destroying these images, I have completed them.”

Ben Branagan

Ben Branagan likens his ongoing series of collages to sketches, a way to work through ideas in a quick, informal way. The series, he explains, is a sort of inversion of American artist Susan Hiller’s suggestion that “the act of cogitation is a form of collage.”

“Where as previously I might have separated out a certain type of image or ones sourced from a particular place, with this series I want to collect a more chaotic or fragmentary view of the world, a heap of parts that overlap and intermingle, drawn from a wide range of sources; contemporary magazines, old books, things I’ve found, things I’ve photographed myself,” he explains.

“A lot of the motivations for the images are formal: certain shapes and contours suggest themselves, then repeat, lurking and moving through to subsequent images.”


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