Wednesday 11 May 2016

Tamar Attia // Business cards - development

I created some variations of business card layouts using Tamar's information.
Tamar specified that she wants the design to be really simple, with nothing fancy. She doesn't have a logo that she uses, so I've tried out some imagery of her work, and also lettering that can be used like a logo.

These two typefaces I've tried out are very simple and quite modern, which I think suits Tamar's style very well. I wanted OCR A Std on the left is possibly a little too cold, as it based on technology and Tamar's work is all handmade and screen printed. It possibly gives off the wrong connotations.

The second font, Orator Std, is a caps only font and is very neat and minimal. As Tamar is looking for something simple, this seems to work well.

Using one of her paint marks as an icon is a subtle way of reflecting her style.

 Here I've used Futura and Gill Sans which are both quite chunky and modern. The front designs I've tried here are her initials, which is a subtle way of creating an identity. I also tried out using a sample of her work to be put on the front, which creates a clear context and serves as a reminder of her abilities.

I showed Tamar these various ideas and she preferred the text being lined up to the left, and liked Futura the most.

Above shows some changes we made. We talked about how she should give herself a profession on the card, such as surface pattern designer, but she isn't keen on that as its so overused. She came up with 'paint pattern print' which would be an effective way to reflect what she does without restricting herself.
I told her that she should hand render it, to go with her expressive hands on style, just like I've seen her do with her name like so:

We agreed this would look good as a logo, so I asked her to write out her name multiple times, along with 'paint pattern print'.

I organise them in illustrator and picked out which ones were best. I also slightly altered some of the letters to make them neater.

I have tried out different sizes and placements of the hand written type, to show Tamar some possible outcomes to choose from.
I have also experimented with some different colours other than yellow, so we don't jump into our first colour idea. I took the colours from what she uses often in her work.

In black and white I printed out the different variations so I could see how the sizing looks in print form. I have noticed that 'paint pattern print' on the 4th design looks too small in relation to the body copy, it just doesn't sit right.
When I showed the designs again to Tamar, along with the printed versions, she wasn't keen on her name on its own - it looks too bare and maybe too small. She much preferred the paint blotch logo with her name underneath, as it reflects her the best and makes for a strong visual, but wants to make the type smaller. She also wants the body copy centred underneath 'paint pattern print' on the back, rather than to the left, as that looks the neatest. She still prefers the colour yellow.

These are the final designs we have agreed on - the yellow will be a coloured stock hopefully the closest to a yellow-orange colour.

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