Wednesday 13 April 2016

D&AD Shutterstock // Afterthoughts

Its been a few weeks since we entered the animations into the D&AD New Blood awards, and we wanted to meet to discuss how we could fine tune them to post online and add to our portfolios, as I feel that we were very rushed towards the end before the deadline.

Overcoming the monster

  • in the ending of this animation, the leaves could get gradually bigger and clearer around the flowers, as they are very small.

  • the face could turn white, as the brain at the start of the video was white and turned black. This links the start to the end.
  • we could always redraw the leaves, as we believe they could look better.
  • the jacket is blank sometimes, and not filled in with a pattern, so that needs to be fixed.
  • could put white boxes behind the jacket so that some of the designs are clearer.
  • the last background colour is wrong - its supposed to match up with the pale green colour used in overcoming the monster.
  • outlines of the clouds could be drawn in colours, rather than filled in colour like they are now.
  • make zoom out parts more contrasting
  • make blue colour at start too heavy - make lighter

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