Tuesday 3 November 2015

Competition Brief // Leeds College of Art Christmas Card

To design and make 75 Leeds College of Art Christmas Cards to be mailed out to key College contacts. 
Leeds College of Art works with a variety of businesses including governors, community groups, artists, suppliers, creative businesses etc. As a seasonal gesture of appreciation and thanks, staff here at the College would like to post a Christmas card to those that we work with. 
Mandatory Requirements 
The card must have a crafted feel, but look professional and artistic. You will be responsible for the production of the cards. The final cards must fit inside an A5 envelope. 
‘Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Leeds College of Art’ 
Tone of Voice 
• A friendly and informative tone of voice should be used.
• It should be professional, considered, and innovative whilst portraying the College as a leader in art, design, media and communications education. 
Please consider and reflect these words in your concepts and ideas:
Christmas, friendly, creative, vibrant, specialist, independent, unique, innovative, quality, and contemporary.
This brief caught my eye as it is fun, is a good opportunity to use my illustrative style, and really gives me a platform to get creative. I have never done Christmas-themed design before, so it should be an interesting and new experience.

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