Saturday 24 October 2015

Cocktails & Wines // Emails

Following on from my email to Sam about brand guidelines etc, he emailed back.

This information has helped a lot, and its clear that he doesn't have any specific ideas and needs a lot of ideas generated for him. The images he referred to in the email:
I'm not sure what he means by each number meaning something different: each number is a logo or just a label on a product? This is uninspiring to me.

Logos like these are very effective and memorable. although it can be very difficult and a long process to come up with them.

One thing that has stuck out to me is the dullness of the name 'Cocktails and Wines'... so I brought it up.

I mentioned how the name isn't memorable or original enough: I wouldn't want to fully design something that may be unsuccessful or changed down the line. It also wouldn't look too great in my portfolio!

Asking for any similar brands means that I can see the kind of thing that needs to be created, or figure out how to stand out from these companies.

It seems now that the idea of the brand has changed to focus on bartending weddings.

This link has given me a better idea of what he is going for: sleek and sophisticated bar equipment.

These emails show that he has had to take a step backwards to figure out the plan. As this is a new business idea and he is a young student, this wasn't surprising.

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