Tuesday 21 April 2015

Women in Film // Research: Film design outcomes

In a World

I found this book that communicates the inequality of women in film - something very on topic for me. 


Overall it has a nice minimalistic style and feel to it, but is this really the appropriate way to battle such an issue? Information like this needs to attract the attention of people outside of the feminist belief... these are the people it needs to reach and teach.

There is a large audience of people who are interested in equality who would be interested in taking in this knowledge, however. Its just that they are not the ones who need this the most.

Imagery is an effective way to reach people, as it needs to keep peoples attention. This publication is mostly small text set out in a traditional style that looks very old fashioned.

Women in Refridgerators

Following on from the theme of women in film, I came across this interesting graphic solution to how women are used as a prop in movies.


'Women in refrigerators' was a coined term in 1994 when a comic was released called Green Lantern, where the hero's girlfriend is murdered and stuffed in a refrigerator.
The term refers to the recurring theme of women being killed or de-powered in some way to develop their male counterpart's story.

I think this design solution is effective in a subtle way, as if you aren't aware of what the term means than it doesn't make much sense. Unlike many other design campaigns, it is quite unclear.

However I do really like how it looks and how it is presented, it just needs more clarity about it, maybe some information on the back of the cards.

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