Friday 9 January 2015

OUGD504 Evaluation

What was successful?
By working through and completing this module, I have learnt a lot about my own ability and have noticed how my professionalism as a designer has improved vastly since first year. My time management has gotten a lot better, I can finish work without rushing to finish.
In terms of final outcome, I have really raised my confidence in printing, as I have never been to digital print for an independent project before.

What have I learnt?
I experimented with different types of stock depending on what I was printing, which helped me learn which works best depending on the context.
Each brief has had its own learning curve for me, such as branding, web design, and advertisement. Each of these have taught me how to be a specialist when I need to be, as I have never worked on each of these for an elongated period before.
I have improved on design boards as in past modules I have not done many of them for each brief. I made sure to give myself more time at the end of my projects to do them.

What would I do differently?
I would try to have more crits as I didn't get that much feedback throughout this module. I would also take more time to sketch out more initial ideas before getting too confident about one idea.
I would give myself even more time to complete design boards as I feel that I rushed them for this module.

In the next module...
I would like to experiment more with print finishes, such as embossing or foiling which I haven't tried before. Through this module I have become more professional and I would like to extend this into the next module by working on these strengths.

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